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Search: choc stars – Page 1
- Monday April 18, 2022
Discogs Wikipedia All Choc Stars 01 - Mbuta-mutu 02 - Fatou 03 - Ise-matoumona 04 - Mokili cloche
Flexibleat 7:55 AM - Monday October 18, 2021
To be frank, I must admit, although I do like some of their records a lot, I am certainly not their biggest fan. Choc Stars made some 50 albums. I think the one we find today is one of their very best. With that outstanding bass, if I'm not mis- taking by Djo Mali. Real[...]
Flexibleat 7:54 AM - Friday April 30, 2021
From 1986 we find this self titled album with the Choc Stars. Just for the fun of it I used Google Translate to see what the French liner notes say. En presentant ce discque, l'orchestre choc stars vous presente une nouvelle equipe composee des elements connus dans l'histoire de la musique zairoise moderne, Roxy Tshimpaka,[...]
Flexibleat 7:10 AMCategories
- Sunday June 30, 2019
Hello groovers, seven days are way too little to give a decent picture of the history of Congolese music. A group that many people have asked for over the years is Choc Stars. We had a couple of their records so far. This is a Zaïrian release I have found not so long ago. Vocals[...]
Flexibleat 8:31 AMCategories
- Friday July 27, 2018
Op verzoek van Harris hebben we vandaag deze elpee van Les Choc Stars du Zaïre. De plaat is uit 1989 en dat is goed te horen. Zoals je op de voorkant kunt zien is hij gemaakt in Brussel, opgenomen in Studio Madeleine aldaar. De sound is in de loop der jaren tamelijk gemoderniseerd. Wat meer[...]
Flexibleat 8:09 AMCategories
- Wednesday May 30, 2018
Op verzoek van Harris, vandaag deze Choc Stars uit 1990. We hadden er al vijf uit de jaren tachtig. Klaarblijkelijk was er een soort deal met Skol Bier, de marktleider in Guinée en Congo-Kinshasa. De zangers Ben Nyamabo, Carlito, Debaba en Zemano spoelden er de keel mee.. On request of Harris, today we have this[...]
Flexibleat 7:33 AM - Saturday October 22, 2016
Twee bands verenigd op één elpee vandaag. Uit de studio's van Verckys in Kinshasa hebben we hier de Langa Langa Stars en de Choc Stars die beiden deel vormden van de clan Langa Langa. Er zit en complex stuk historie achter deze groepen. Ga het net op om deze te achterhalen want ik doe niet[...]
Flexibleat 7:42 AM - Monday July 6, 2015
Is that a sweet voice or what ? Choc Stars are here with Carlito, Roxy Tsimpaka, Defao..after posting the dusty African Fiesta album I wanted to make up with one that sounds clean and fresh. Four great songs that start with 'Premier Amour', not my first love but it's a jewel. Listen and agree, sweeet[...]
Flexibleat 6:24 PM - Tuesday December 27, 2011
Very powerful album by one of the offsprings of the famous Zaïko Langa-Langa. The Choc Stars deliver a slow kind of soukous, cool and mellow yet passionate. Don't you just love Carlito's fragile vocals ? Sweet. tracks; 1 Ponini eza mpasi 2 Abengi ngai depasse 3 Mauvais souvenir, buana 4 Zikondo
Flexibleat 9:42 PM - Friday July 9, 2010
It is hot in the Netherlands. With temperatures rising up to 36º C, or more this weekend. The whole country is in a hot summer mood, hanging out on terraces with big glasses of cold beer. Same time we are all very exited about being in the finals of the worldcup. Orange fever going 'round[...]
Flexibleat 7:26 PM - Wednesday July 7, 2010
There were some requests for Choc Stars, here they come. "Founded in 1984 by Ben Nyamabo with musicians from Zaiko and Langa Langa Stars, Choc Stars developed a sound that was mellow yet passionate. The songs are generally slower than other bands' but the arrangements add up to cool seductive soukous." ( Rough Guide )[...]
Flexibleat 9:25 PMCategories
- Tuesday October 13, 2020
Today's album with the Choc Stars is one with singers Bozi Boziana and Ben Nyamabo. Enjoy listening .. 01 - D.V. 02 - Lieven 03 - Gina 04 - Santa
Flexibleat 8:16 AMCategories
- Monday October 12, 2020
From 1988 we find this album with the Choc-Stars. Defao, Carlito and Debaba sing, the great Roxy Tchimpaka does the wonderful guitar parts. I'm sure many of you will love their music, we've seen various requests concerning these. Get it and spread it the way you're used to .. Carnaval de Choc-Stars 1988 Ben Nyamabo[...]
Flexibleat 8:45 AMCategories
- Monday October 14, 2024
Today we find this album from 1986 with Monza Premier et les Stars Magnats. Monza debuted with Les Choc Stars in 1985. The record features local musicians such as Theo Mougemba. Four tracks of relaxed Congolese rumba/soukous, bright percussion, electric guitar rhythm with accent on the second beat and Monza's soft vocals. Original Congolese release,[...]
Flexibleat 2:16 PMCategories