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Search: nigerian week – Page 1
- Sunday March 17, 2019
Today I completely lost myself in the music of Waziri Oshomah. Been listening to his awesome records all day, what a rush. That's why I decided to do another record, I just couldn't resist. The more I listen and study his albums, the more I get convinced Hassanah was part of the Waziri family. Same[...]
Flexibleat 1:57 PMCategories
- Sunday March 17, 2019
Op dag zeven van onze Nigeriaanse Week, een tamelijk opmerkelijke plaat. Ik weet niet zeker of hij onder de noemer highlife of afenmai valt. Ik heb hem dan ook maar onder Nigeria gefiled. Sowieso komen we uit dit land maar bar weinig vrouwelijke artiesten tegen, we hebben er slechts ènkele eerder gezien hier op de[...]
Flexibleat 7:33 AMCategories
- Saturday March 16, 2019
Number six in our Nigerian Week is for Admiral Dele Abiodun. After twelve of his albums so far it is a clear thing that every- body agrees about, Dele Abiodun's guitar work is astonishing. Today's record is from 1985 and rocks fantasticly. Take track two, its titlesong, a straight killer. Let Admiral Dele Abiodun lead[...]
Flexibleat 6:52 AM - Friday March 15, 2019
Sunny Adé and his African Beats also had an album called 'Late General Ramat Murtala Mohammed' from 1976. You may find it here. Today we have this one by Sonora Gentil and Tabansi Stars International. We have no year of release though. Typical Nigerian highlife album for lovers of the genre .. Sunny Adé and[...]
Flexibleat 7:21 AM - Thursday March 14, 2019
If we look at our fuji posts so far, we find some Kollington Ayinla, some Sikiru Ayinde Barrister, Salawa Abeni and Micky Adisa. Only fourteen records until now. Here's another Kollington Ayinla for the occasion of our Nigerian Week, I'll post some more Sikiru Ayinde Barrister as well in the near future. Crazy rhythms, deep[...]
Flexibleat 4:38 PM - Wednesday March 13, 2019
Chief Stephen Osita Osadebe (March 1936 – May 11, 2007), often referred to as just Osadebe, was an Igbo Nigerian highlife musician from Atani. His career spanned over 40 years, and he is one of the best known Igbo highlife musicians. His best-known hit was the 1984 single "Osondi Owendi" (Igbo: One man's meat is[...]
Flexibleat 8:45 AM - Tuesday March 12, 2019
In 1984 had ik nog geen idee van het bestaan van deze muziek. Shanachie Records daarentegen was wel wakker. Zij lanceerden deze sprankelende registratie van Akanni Animashaun en zijn Apala Groep. De plaat is in top conditie en klinkt fris alsof hij gisteren is opgenomen. Dit is er één om ingelijst te worden. Gerrit, Henk,[...]
Flexibleat 6:48 PM - Monday March 11, 2019
Zoals veel artiesten is Chief Commander Ebenezer Obey verkikkerd op zijn land van herkomst. We hoorden al eerder bijvoorbeeld Ramito die zweert bij zijn Puerto Rico, ook Irma Vila y su Mariachi met het nummer 'Como México no hay dos'. Vandaag zingt Ebenezer Obey 'No place be like my country Nigeria'. Heel eerlijk denk ik[...]
Flexibleat 7:55 AM - Monday May 13, 2019
De laatste tijd zit ik volop in de Nigeriaanse muziek. Eerder hadden we hier op de Global groove al een Nigerian Week. Hierin kwamen juju, apala, fuji en highlife al aan de orde. Later hadden we een week met in het bijzonder de Etsakor en Afenmai highlife sound. De komende week staat vervol- gens volledig[...]
Flexibleat 11:01 AM - Thursday April 18, 2019
From Agenebode, the centre of Etsakor territory, we find this album which is in pretty good condition. It is volume 7 of Professor Adomagbo Irene's Weppa-Wanno Dance Band. Decent sound. The professor is more of a speaker than singer, something we find with more Nigerian artists. Sleeve is in tact, vinyl too, awesome music, a[...]
Flexibleat 8:19 AMCategories
- Monday April 15, 2019
Etsako people are one of the major ethnic groups in Edo State, Nigeria. They presently occupy three local government areas of Edo State; these are Etsako East, Etsako West and Etsako Central, with Agenebode, Auchi and Fugar as their administrative headquarters. In some quarters the people of Owan are referred to as Etsako. The Etsakos,[...]
Flexibleat 8:52 AMCategories
- Saturday May 11, 2019
We hadden al wat apala platen met Ayinla Omowura en onlangs tijdens de Nigerian Week met Akanni Animashaun. Haruna Ishola is een andere grote in het veld. Van hem hadden we nog niets tot dusver. Meestal vind je zijn platen met op elke kant een lange track. Op deze 10" staan tien losse songs, mooi[...]
Flexibleat 8:56 AM - Sunday December 4, 2022
First of all, thank you Jillem for the shout out at Holland Tunnel Dive. It is a bit too much credit. The video is fun though, I remember the Police came and ended the party, the bar owner forgot to ask for permission. Imagine a world without HTD, long live Jillem .. Festac '77, also[...]
Flexibleat 10:43 AM - Thursday November 4, 2021
When looking at our most scratchy and dusty records, we can't go around the Etsakor section. Many of these Nigerian records have led an intense life in which they were played so much it has left its traces. This is the second album we have with Aibor Bello and his Aloagbaye. In fact it is[...]
Flexibleat 8:19 AMCategories